Today, 29 december 2015, I read a line in a book by Jean-Christophe Buisson called "Il s'appelait Vlasov". My French is not so good, so I read the dutch translation. This line got me thinking about this little mailproject: "In de rechterhoek stond een bakstenen kachel voor een bed waar stapels kranten omheen lagen". Is it strange it got me thinking? In the middle of nowhere there's a little house, it's wintetime. The person living there still receives his newspapers to read...., or so it seems.  Well, I don't live in the middle of nowhere, although some might think so :) and I do not have a newspaper (by choice, I might add). So there is a slight contradiction between the character and me and him receiving newspapers and I don't. He seems to collect them and I like collecting mailart. So here's a similarity.
As a follow up to my ongoing "projectmailartbooks", "selfportrait drawing community", recently started "used coffeefilter mailart project(size 4)" and many more projects,  I would like to receive the frontpage of as many countries' newspapers of 1 january 2016 as possible.
Just the frontpage. All different frontpages determined by social cultural aspects. Fascinating to see all the differences.
I publish them on including your envelope.
No returns.
Could you be so kind as to help me?
I already sent an email to (mail)artists living in the following countries:
Norway, Finland, USA, Canada, Brasil, Argentina, Puerto Rico, UK, Turkey, China, Japan, Korea, Australia, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Colombia, France, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malaysia, Portugal, Russia, Macedonia and Iran.
Still a lot of countries are missing. Do you know anyone living in one of the missing countries, please forward this link to them. I thank you in advance.
You can send the frontpage of your newspaper dated 1 january 2016 to:
Ed Hanssen
Hoogstraat 29
the Netherlands
Thank you for reading and I am eagerly awaiting your frontpages.
It seems in some countries, newspapers are not issued on 1 january. So 2 january is perfect too!
Terry Reid:
Paul Tiilila:
Terry Reid - Helen Amyes -  Ken Friedman: