november 2013
After cutting a video for KunstSalon Kasteel Daelnbroeck with Carmen Heemels, I projected the video on my windowcurtains. The result was beautiful. I went outside and noticed, of course, that my window had turned into a movietheatre. So I came up with another simple project: Sending out-Looking in.
Make a short video of your own face(from your eyebrows down to your shoulder), look straight and without any emotion into the camera for about 2 minutes. If you are with a couple of people, do the same with them.
Make a short video of it and send your video(s) by Wetransfer to Ed Hanssen
I will make ONE video and share it on VIMEO. I will make ONE video and share it on VIMEO.
When I received enough videos we will project them worldwide at 1 december 2015, 20:00 hrs.
First showing was 14 december 2013, 20:00 Hrs.
People have the tendency to look into houses while walking the dog or whatever they do out on the streets.
This time they will be surprised by faces watching them..... bigger than life!
What will happen to them?
What kind of communication will follow?